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Pro Mixing

Critical listening, aux sends, multi-band compression, frequency stacking, master limiters, competing tracks, and sparkle versus thump! Head spinning yet?

2 Hrs per meeting, 8 Weeks

Each Lesson is designed with Critical Listening as the operative principle. Ample time to dissect a sound will be provided. After all, mixing IS critical listening.

Yes, there is a lot to know to create great mixes. And while you can learn anything online, one key factor is missing. Can you ask the right questions? While you can pay substantial  money and learn from a university, do you want to pay for all the other classes you will have to take? Lastly, do you have time to wait for your buddy, uncle, sister, brother, cousin, etc... to teach you in their basement? At, we give you our experience first hand at an affordable price when YOU want to learn.  

Your dreams start here with our Pro Mixing course.


After Pro Mixing course, you will have a fundamental understanding of mixing for Music or Voice Recording. You will understand what technical aspects are required to start, manage and take a mix to completion. You will understand what tools go into a mix and how to use them effectively. Specifically concepts like subtractive & additive EQ, compression, frequency stacking, and more.



Only $1799 for 8 weeks - 16 classes! 

The most access to gear and the instructor. Two 2.5 hr hour sessions weekly for 8 weeks. Instruction time that works best for the student & instructor will be scheduled upon purchase. Once the schedule is agreed upon, that schedule will be the weekly time slot for the 8 weeks of instruction.
ATTENTION * PRE-REQUISITE: To sign up for the Pro Mixing class, you must have a successful completion of COMPUTER & AUDIO BASICS assessment with 110 score OR successful completion of Audio & Computer Foundations Course. Take our pre-requisite AUDIO & COMPUTER FOUNDATIONS assessment. It’s free! --> CLICK HERE


Only $1499 each for 8 weeks - 16 classes!

Do the course with a friend to have a shared experience plus save $300 each! Two 2.5 hour sessions weekly for 8 weeks. Instruction time that works best for the students & instructor will be scheduled upon purchase. Once the schedule is agreed upon, that schedule will be the weekly time slot for the 8 weeks of instruction. 
ATTENTION * PRE-REQUISITE: To sign up for the Pro Mixing class, you must have a successful completion of COMPUTER & AUDIO BASICS assessment with 110 score OR successful completion of Audio & Computer Foundations Course. Take our pre-requisite AUDIO & COMPUTER FOUNDATIONS assessment. It’s free! --> CLICK HERE

Pro Mixing
Session 1: Critical Listening Review

Goal is to cover differences in genres, listening positions and perceived loudness.

Ear Break at 1Hr

Fletcher Munson Curve
Frequency Ranges
Speaker Setup
Listening Positions
Mixing Different Genres
How Production Affects a Mix
Critical Elements of a Mix

Session 2: Using EQ in Different Contexts

Goal is to demonstrate the variety of uses and pitfalls of EQ while processing different instruments from drums to gtr and vocals.

Ear Break at 1Hr

Selecting a Reference (will return in Session 4)
Editing and Gating
How EQ works
Parametric EQ
EQ vs Fader Levels
Fundamentals vs Overtones
Using a Hardware EQ
Printing Tracks
Delay Compensation

Session 3: Compression

Goal is to get used to compression and especially the sound of it using hardware compressors

Ear Break at 1Hr

Critical Listening to Different Styles of Compression
ADSR and Compression
Harmonic Saturation
The Distressor
Sitting Vocals in the Mix
Drum Compression
More Uses for Compression

Session 4: Using Delays and Reverbs

Goal is to work in previous lessons using advanced signal routing in Pro Tools. Organization, workflow, and speed of operation will be developed.

Ear Break at 1Hr

Creating Sends and Returns
Naming Buses
Depth in a Mix
Delay in ms vs bpm
Reverb types
EQ-ing Delay and Reverb
Delay Fattening
Other uses for Reverb and Delay
Mixing Reverb

Session 5: Pro Tools Mixing Workflows

Goal is to work in previous lessons using advanced signal routing in Pro Tools. Organization, workflow, and speed of operation will be developed.

Ear Break at 1Hr

Routing to Aux Tracks the Easy Way
Folder Tracks
Parallel Compression
Sample Replacement
Mixing with Loudness in Mind
Metering vs Perceived Loudness
A/B-ing your Reference

Session 6: Advanced Processing

Goal is to expand into more advanced processing methods such as multi-band compression.

Ear Break at 1Hr
Processing on a Submix
Distortion in a Mix
M/S Mixing
Next Generation Plugins (Ozone, Nectar, Dynamic EQs)
Master Bus Processing
Final A/B-ing Against a Reference
Reviewing Loudness and Mix Levels/Positions

Session 7 & 8: Mix Project
Ear Break at 1Hr
Goal is to mix a song. The entire session will be dedicated to this. The student will be responsible for taking the composition from a raw state, choosing references and mixing it to completion. The purpose is to apply everything examined and learned while using critical listening as a guide. Mixing IS critical listening.

The final mix will be reviewed by our senior engineers with critique given.