Copyright (c) 2022 - Colorado Recording School 

Audio & Computer Foundations

Audio & Computer Foundations Course - 4 Saturdays - 2 ½ hours each session * 9 am to 11:30 am

Not sure if you need this class? Take our pre-requisite AUDIO & COMPUTER FOUNDATIONS test to see! It’s free! If you get a 90% score, you don't need this class.


Course Cost = $600/ person. Max 4 persons in a class. We will be teaching on the Apple Mac platform. Apple Mac & audio interface required.
(2 Macbooks & 2 interfaces available for in class use with additional rental fee of $100 for all 4 weeks.)

After this course you will be able to: Navigate an Apple MAC computer, get sound in and out of the computer, record audio into a computer, have basic use of Apple’s recording program GarageBand or Logic, have basic editing skill of audio in GarageBand or Logic, the ability to output and share audio from the recording program. Plus you will record & mix a short small project with the instructor’s help.

Course Content

Week 1 - 1st Hour
Fundamentals of Computer Processing Mac OS Functions
Mac OS - what is it? Plus versions/updates. Identifying your OS
Hard Drives, RAM and CPU overview.
Navigating the computer, Programs/Applications vs data/documents
Saving to specific locations - file paths.

Week 1 - 2nd Hour:
Menus vs Icons vs Windows/Folders
The Desktop vs Documents Folder - Managing/Organizing Storage Media
Common Key Commands
System Preferences - How sound gets into your computer.
What is an interface?
Connecting an Audio Interface & seeing it in Sys Preferences

Week 2 - 1st Hour
Review audio interfaces & drivers
Speakers vs headphones.
Installing/Finding GarageBand.
Creating a Music Project
Dragging in a Clip and Output Monitoring
Using an Interface - the 2 sides - Input side and Output side

Week 2 - 2nd hour
Setting up tracks
Line vs. Mic Level - Gain Staging
Mic Types and Cables
Recording Accessories, Pop Filters, DI’s

Week 3 - 1st Hour
Review previous week review
Recording Your Own Audio
Editing Recorded Clips
Rest of Class is for Recording/Creating/Editing Something

Week 3 - 2nd Hour
The Loop Library - Dragging & Dropping - Working with and Editing loops
Mixer Basics
Pre & Post Levels***
Pre Input Level - trim control - “The signal/soundsource coming in.
Fader & Post Fader Levels - Level that will be coming from the recording
SOLO - quickly listening to only that track without having to turn off all other tracks
MUTE - Turns off that track
PAN - in the stereo fields (explain bi-naural), where the sound in located
OUTPUT ASSIGN - where is the material going
Outputting Mixes
Technical process
Using a Reference Track.
Sending files - MP3 vs WAV’s

Week 4 - 1st Hour 
Everyone records a short small project in Studio B Control or Drum Room or Studio A Control or Studio A Voc Booth with instructor help.

Week 4 - 2nd Hour
PLUG - INS - EQ basics (optional)
Everyone mixes their project - with instructor help. 


Recording 101 course: 30 hrs of instruction. Tuesdays 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm & Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm

After Recording 101 course, you will have a fundamental understanding of Audio Production for Music or Voice Recording. You will understand what technical aspects are required to start, manage and take a project to completion. You will understand what tools go into a project and how to use them effectively. Specifically concepts like audio signal flow, cable types, EQ, Compression and more.

PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of COMPUTER & AUDIO BASICS test with 100 score OR successful completion of Audio & Computer Foundations Course. 

Take our pre-requisite AUDIO & COMPUTER FOUNDATINS test. It’s free!

Did you get a 100 or better score on the COMPUTER & AUDIO BASICS test?

Instructional Options:
PRIVATE INSTRUCTION (30 hrs): The most access to gear and the instructor. Two 3 hr hour sessions weekly for 6 weeks. Instruction time that works best for the student & instructor will be scheduled upon purchase. Once the schedule is agreed upon, that schedule will be the weekly time slot for the 6 weeks of instruction. Only $1799 for 6 weeks - 12 classes! CLICK HERE FOR PRIVATE INSTRUCTION

IN TANDEM WITH A BUDDY (30 hrs): Do the course with a friend to have a shared experience plus save $300 each! Two 3 hour sessions weekly for 6 weeks. Instruction time that works best for the students & instructor will be scheduled upon purchase. Once the schedule is agreed upon, that schedule will be the weekly time slot for the 6 weeks of instruction. Only $1499 each for 6 weeks - 12 classes! CLICK HERE FOR TANDEM INSTRUCTION

Regular classes (30 hrs) at our most affordable rate and only have a maximum of 4 people in the class! Saturday mornings (3 hrs) & Tuesday evenings (3 hours) for 6 weeks. Only $1199 for 6 weeks - 12 classes! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR NEXT SERIES OF CLASSES

Course Hardware Requirements
Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) are central to music production, whether you are an artist or engineer. In this course we will be using Pro Tools. Because Pro Tools is the industry standard DAW, this is the DAW we will be using. You may also use Logic Pro but with the understanding that we will not tailor the course to Logic Pro specifically unless you do our Individual Study or 2 Person Buddies program.

COMPUTER: Apple Macbook, microphone, cable, headphones & Mac compatible audio interface.
Current Minimum Specs for many DAWs are as follows:
256GB Hard Drive or SSD
Mac OS High Sierra or Above.
The following specs and hardware are recommended for Pro Tools:
Help with hardware can be obtained by calling Sweetwater (800) 222-4700 - Ext 1398. Ask for David Hess.
Recommended Textbook: Modern Recording Techniques
ISBN: 978-024082157


Week 1 * Tuesday * Session 1

Introductions. Covering the Stages of Music Production.
Planning, Recording, Editing, Mixing and Mastering.
The differrent jobs of engineer and producer and how they have merged with the digital revolution.

Week 1 * Tuesday * Session 2

The Fundamentals of Sound
How Humans hear
Fletcher Munson Curve

Week 1 * Saturday * Session 1

Cable Wrapping and Cable Types
Microphone Types
Phantom Power
Overview of audio interfaces - front and back. 

Week 1 * Saturday * Session 2

Phase vs Polarity
Frequency Response
Polar Patterns
Setting Up A Microphone
Using a Mic Stand
The rest of this time will be dedicated to setting up a microphone, routing it, and getting signal into the students interface.

Week 2 * Tuesday * Session 1

Introduction to Pro Tools and Navigation
Creating and Following an I/O

Week 2 * Tuesday * Session 2

Review Signal Routing
Gain Stages
Disk Allocation
The rest of this time will be dedicated to setting up a microphone, routing it, and getting signal into ProTools.

Week 2 * Saturday * Session 1

Introduction to Patch Bays
Using a Patch Bay
Using Outboard Gear - external preamps

Week 2 * Saturday * Session 2

Microphone & polar pattern choices
Using a Ribbon Microphone
Using a Tube Condenser

The rest of this time will be dedicated to setting up, operating, and comparing, dynamic, condenser, ribbon, and tube microphones.

Week 3 * Tuesday * Session 1

Headphone levels and talkback
Working with Rap Vocals
Rap/Hip Hop Workflows

This hour will be dedicated to gaining practical experience with a Hip Hop/Rap Client.

Week 3 * Tuesday * Session 2

Working with Pop Vocals
Organizing Takes

This hour will be dedicated to gaining practical experience with a Pop Client.

The Student Project for 101 will begin after this class. The student’s project will be designed around working with content recorded during either the Rap/Hip Hop or Pop recordings. At this point the session will be transferred from the studio computer to student’s computers.

Week 3 * Saturday * Session 1

Multiple takes and Vocal Comping. Basics of editing - slip and shuffle. Editing using transients. Editing using the grid. Students will use the remaining hour to complete editing their projects on their computers.

Week 3 * Saturday * Session 2

Introduction to plug ins in the vocal chain
Compression & Dynamics Processing

Week 4 * Tuesday * Session 1

Specialites - phase, flange, chorus, distortion

The extra time will be dedicated to student project work incorporating the above materials.

Week 4 * Tuesday * Session 2

Intro to tuning vocals using Autotune and Melodyne or other standard tuning software.
Material Recorded in previous sessions will be used to Tune Vocals. 
The extra time will be dedicated to student project work incorporating the above materials.

Week 4 * Saturday * Session 1

Setting Up a Click
Multitracking with multiple microphones
Mic-ing an acoustic guitar
Using a DI
Aligning phase - DI & Mics
Click bleed & closed back headphones

Week 4 * Saturday * Session 2

This time will be dedicated to experimenting with recording Classical and Acoustic Guitars and examining their different tonalities.

Any extra time will be dedicated to student project work.

Week 5 * Tuesday * Session 1

Introduction to electric guitars and electric guitar amplifiers
Humbuckers vs Single Coils
Tube amps versus solid state
Recording electric guitar amplifiers
Mic Choices and mic positioning
Using a cabinet simulator.
Software amp simulators

Week 5 * Tuesday * Session 2

This time will be dedicated to experimenting with recording electric guitars and examining their different tonalities.

Week 5 * Saturday * Session 1

Setting up and utilizing Stereo Mic Techniques and reasons for a stereo pair.

Week 5 * Saturday * Session 2

This time will be dedicated to student project work.

Week 6 * Tuesday * Session 1

This time will be dedicated to students learning how to route & mic up a basic Drum kit (kick, snare, overheads) and get tones. 

Week 6 * Tuesday * Session 2

Drum Recording continued. Work will continue with the goal to capture a basic drum recording.

Any extra time will be dedicated to student project work

Week 6 * Saturday * Session 1

Drum Recording Review
Advanced Routing & Outboard Gear - compression & noise gates. 
Any extra time will be dedicated to student project work and questions for instructor.

Week 6 * Saturday * Session 2

Time will be used to listen to progress and Student Projects with class critques.  Recording 101 end of class test. Filling out course feedback questionaire. Overview of Recording 102.


Recording 102 course: 30 hrs of instruction 

 PREREQUISITE: Completing the 101 course.

After the completion of the RECORDING 102 course, you will be eligible to apply for an entry level Studio B position at CCM Recording Studios. YES! A real world position! After completion, send an email to Darren Skanson, owner & head engineer of CCM Recording Studios.

PLUS … after completiing the Recording 102 course, you will also be eligible for our in-depth master class seminars.
Beat Making/Producing.
Hip Hop Mixing
Rock Recording (including live drums)
Electric & Acoustic Guitar Recording
Songwriting & Arranging
Sign up links also coming soon!